Sunday, January 1, 2012

What I learned in 2011...

2011 was a good year, and I learned a lot.  Here's some of the things I've learned...
  • Not all curtains are the same size (and this lead to me learning how to measure things before going to the store).
  • How to hang things [somewhat] correctly.  Although, I feel as though I'm doing it the hard way.  I think 2012 is a good time to learn how to do it the easy/normal way.
  • Two people cannot last on the same five recipes.  This lead me to learning a ton of yummy new recipes, which I plan on sharing with you. :)
  • I discovered Pinterest, and my love for DIYs.  If you haven't been on Pinterest, please stop reading and start pinning!
  • How to organize all of our things in our 620 sq. ft. apartment.  It wasn't easy, but if I can do it here, anyone can do it!
I have always made a long list of resolutions.  Most of them I forget about by February.  But, this year will be different.  (I say that every year.)  But I really mean it this time!  Some of them are...
  • To help others learn that they can be organized, stylish, and creative on a tight budget.
  • To be creative and use what I have.
  • To try new things.
  • To never give up.
This is where the blog comes in.  I figure, if I can do it (with a small apartment, tight budget, and some creativity) so can you.  I look forward to sharing my projects, outfits, recipes, and whatever else comes to mind with you.  Let's all have a great year together.



  1. This is amazing. Okay I am on a budget as well but ii would love to give my liviing room a makeover. Where would you reccomend going for rugs, curtains, and wall decor?

  2. We get a lot of our home decor from Ross or Marshall's. But, you have to be careful buying things like sheets and curtains from there because they are often not the size stated on the package. (I'd suggest measuring them in the store). We got two identical packages of curtain panels, and one is about an inch shorter. If you sew, that's an easy fix. I also go to garage sales and Goodwill for home decor. You can often find cool stuff for super cheap! I also do a lot of DIYs and will be posting tutorials!
